Surround yourself with people who let their light shine over you

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
- Albert Schweitzer

I have a lot of people to thank for helping me move forward from this road block; my family, my bestfriend, my dog... but tonight I want to thank my childhood friend Tina Ju.

I've been a slump, a muddy slump in my eyes. I needed to console to someone and Tina gracefully offered her time and words to allay my current life fears. She talked about how I'm taking in so much negative energy and that will only give unfavorable circumstances. I told her about this dating issue i had, and to me i thought it was downhill with this boy. But Tina, cleared my perception and told me because I'm already in a negative mindset, I'm prepared and only want to see the negatives. And it was true, this boy was genuinely nice to me but I'm only nitpicking what i want to see and hear and then turning into a negative.

I have a job, I have friends, I have family, I have a car. But because I'm not getting what I truly want and desire, it's making me blinded to all the good things in life that I have. From today on, I am changing my outlook on things. I am a damn positive person. Too long have I been allowing negativity take the best of me. Good things will come, if i believe in it. The only thing left to do is to smile and surround myself who can ignite my flame.
