BYE Jury Duty

Sadly, I've been summoned for jury duty yesterday. if you havent been to jury duty yet, well i'll tell you.. its just as bad as everyone exaggerates it to be. When you arrive, you scan all your items to metal dector, the security guards are wonderfully sweet people. Then you sit in a large room, wait for an hour, then this "senior" administrative person talks for a whole hour explaining the process, trying to be funny when he was not but rather rude.
Basically i sat through the WHOLE day, 9am-3:30pm, until i was called. I was then entered in a small room, and the attorneys explained the case. I had a not so fun case, it was a civil case (A lady in the bathroom told me she was in a really cool murder case!!). We didnt finish in time (it was already 4:30pm), since we didnt finish in time, we were told to return back the next day at 10am..
I returned back the next day (today), again sat uncomfortably for the next hour or so and listened about the case. Luckily I wasnt chosen to be part of the jurors. So i stayed till 3:30pm, and that was when they called my name and allowed me to leave.
Overall, the people working outside the court (security guards, baggage claim people check) they were super sweet! But the administrative working in the court are EXTREMELY RUDE.
Thank goodness i'm done with jury duty for 8 years!

Highlights of the jury duty dates:
When i was eating lunch outside during my lunch hour for jury duty, this sweet middle age woman came up to me and asked if she can join me for lunch. We started chatting about each other's lives and she sweet enough to give me life advice. In the end she kept telling me "Keep believing, Dont give up. don't let anybody get in your way".

On my train ride home today, this man complimented my watch and genuinely meant that and only that, no cat calling or any pick up line. That made me smile
