Summer 2015 Cruise

**Disclaimer: writing as if it was a couple weeks ago, back in August 15.

Back from my week long cruise! I traveled Norwegian Gem and went to the Bahamas! It was super hot there. Being on cruise, sort of forces you to relax because you have no internet access, no phone service, so basically no outside world connections. Though I was only gone for a week, it felt like a whole month because of all the activities I did! Every hour there was something to do, it was fun but exhausting! I'll try to break it down for yas.

Here we are waiting at the terminal. Time to arrive? It depends on the group your going with. The elders wanted to arrive at the terminal as soon as possible so they have extra time to explore the ship. My brother, on the other hand, wanted to arrive as late as possible since we will be on the ship for a whole week and thought it was unnecessary to wake up early just to explore the ship for a few extra hours.
Also(!!) the luggage worker man was extremely rude!! Obviously everyone is super cautious about their luggage because we dont we lose it. He grabbed my suitecase and aggressively threw it on top of other people's luggage. How rude?! I said a comment to him and he was instantly defensive. But whatever, not going to let one small incident ruin my the beginning of my relaxing trip.

So we arrived on the ship, had to do a little room chage arrangements. On to dinner!

 Sorry for the low lighting, but my steak!! Ugh it was so delicious..Perfectly juicy and chewy... We ate at Grand Pacific for our first night. This resturant is complementary but has a dress code. My family didnt get the memo.. I wore jean shorts, and my brother had a tank on. We were the only family not dressed prepared.

Next dinner night, we went to Orchard Garden. My brother was in desperate need of some Asian cooking, and Orchard Garden was the only Asian cuisine available. But this place is terrible!! Absolutely worst "asian" food I ever had in my life. I can't believe they even have the audacity to label this as asian food. Now my family and I use Orchard Garden as a description of how bad things are. "Is it Orchard Garden bad?"

We made it to Florida! We stayed in florida for a couple hours. I would recommend to stay on the cruise because thats when everyone is out exploring the land so the ship is empty. Though the youngings and I went to explore Florida, we went to a tourist beach spot called Coaco beach (I think thats how you spell it.)

Wasn't good. Extremely boring, just a beach... Looks no different from the ones in NY.

We arrived in the Bahamas! Look at how beautifully blue and clear the water was. Such a gorgeous view... Though be careful on the rocks though. Some of them are very slippery, I had a deep cut on my top because of it.

The next day, Jeff, Michael, and I did a little exploring on the island while the rest went to Altantis.

We ate at this place called Jamaican Jammer. Wanted to try some local Bahama cuisine, but it was very Americanized. Majority of the food items were fried... Shoutouts to the bartender who gave us free shots though.

Last couple of days were back on the ship. One of my favorite experiences on the ship was the performances every night. Its inspiring to see how people dedicate their talent entertaining people who are on vacation. The performers are extremely brilliant in what they do.

And of course, I have to save the best for the last. How typical of me to pick a food as the best thing in the cruise. I fell in LOVE with this dessert. Its called warm chocolate lava cake, so mouthwatering drooling addicting piece of drug here. The gelato is stracciatella, and on the opposite end is warm syrupy strawberries, squished in between the both is the glorious chocolate lava cake. Ugh.... once you slice in between the cake and just grab a bite of the three mixtures... life is complete.

Bahamas Cruise 15' was great, cant wait to go again. but maybe with friends this time...
