Trickier than it seems

Happy Friday everyone! I am now currently lounging in the Yelp Headquarters area. I finished all my internship duties and am ready to go home, but not doing so yet...
Interning is great, especially in Yelp. I have access to free food, cool activities, free admission to events, but it can get tricky in other aspects. As a Marketing Intern I should be able to causally go up to people and converse with them. But here I am, sitting in the lounge area hoping someone would come up to me...

I think thats one of the obstacles an intern or any new employee can face. I work in a huge office(2 floors, we have an elevator only dedicated to Yelpers). Hundreds of employee and I have yet made friends with someone or ask them for coffee.. or anything outside of work.
I'm shy, I'll admit that. When it comes to work, if my job consist of communicating and networking with others, I have no issue. I can causally go up to anyone and introduce them to Yelp, and discuss about our motives and goals. But when it comes to me, personally, and trying to make friends, I am the most shyest snail ever.

My supervisor introduced to me to lots of people in our department (marketing) but now that my I'm on my own,I want to meet people outside of our department. Today I kept telling myself, "today's challenge, is to make a friend or introduce myself to any other Yelp employee". So simple, just say hey how are you, I'm new to Yelp, any tips on transitioning?. But every time i have the opportunity, I look the other way or doing what I'm doing now, sitting down letting this laptop cover my interest of meeting other people.

Does anyone have tips on making an impression as a new employee, or advice on transitioning to new jobs? Hope everyone's summer is going well, and as always spread love my loves.
