Summertime Waiting

Now that it's summer break, I'm planning to blog a lot more often than just once a week and my monthly reflections. I'm not sure what to name the daily summer blog posts, i'll have to think of that in the near future.
Mainly these past few days have been majority just waiting for people, answers, grades. My best friends are yet done with their finals, so there's not much NYC plannings happening yet. Lately i've been doing boring stuff like running errands, doc appointments, all the necessities I delayed in Buffalo.

As I patiently wait, I started on my summer reads already. The first book is The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. I finished a few chapters already, it hasnt captured my heart yet as every other review proclaims it dose. Tomorrow I have jury duty, so i'll probably read this book the whole waiting time. Until then!
