Four out of Twelve

And thats a wrap, finished a quarter of 2016 already. April, I'm so glad you're over and I'm so over your showers. This month I closed a chapter in my life and ready for bigger better things to come. Here's 10 worthy mentions of April.

1. As mentioned in the last blog post, I left the clinic and now all my attention is on Yelp. It sucks to leave an extra steady income, but i needed too. I can't settle and get comfortable.

2. Back on running again. My stamina has gotten a lot better. Enjoying it a lot more too, but i wish i had a running buddy.

3. Job applications has been my main priority. Applying to jobs sucks. The torturous time waiting, and dressing up, and selling myself. Now I have no problem selling myself or networking, I am proud of my past work but it's that feeling that I need to convince someone else of my worth.

4. Allergies also suck. 

5. Starting to take this blogging thing a lot more seriously. I'm thinking about getting business cards for this blog too, but one step at a time. baby steps.

6. Finished reading "The Opposite of Loneliness" by Marina Keegan. Great quick read. Touching inspiring story, I hope her legend continues to live on.

7. Voted for the NY Primary! Very important, when the elections comes, please please everyone vote.

8. Oh yeah, my car died in the middle of Union Square!! Well a couple blocks from Union. Literally right in front of Artichoke Pizza. 

9. Starting to learn Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. As you can view a few differences in this blog page. 

10. April, I've been way too shy and anxious. That needs to stop as well.
