I have incredible friends

**This was meant to be posted a few weeks ago

Merry Christmas!!

I always knew i was lucky to have thoughtful kind-hearted folks around me, but wow, my friends really outshined themselves this month.
Gifts and any object that money can buy will never beat attentive conversations and just the feeling of contentment; my friends excelled in both.

My lovely roommates surprised me with a book about food and a hello kitty cup!  It's so sweet of them, they didn't have to get me a gift to say goodbye. I love love how much they know that I'm a food addict and child lover of hello kitty.

Also this past monday, my friend Joanne asked for dinner with two other of our close friends. That day I was in the hospital visiting my grandpa. Not expecting anything grand, I said sure. it turned out to be a surprised late birthday dinner/graduation dinner for me!! It was extremely sweet of them and also they got me new camera lenses!!! I've been dying for lens, I was so elated!

The gifts and money spent was beyond kind of them. I am so touched for all of that but I'm even more touched that people took time out of their day just to put a smile on my face. I am truly blessed.
