Lost myself

NYC you can easily ruin and break someone.

ever since I've been back, i've been trying to fill this empty void in myself. I forgot how shallow, quick-paced, selfish NYC can be... I joined a dating app.. (no shame!!). for two days, i swipe left or right based on someone's appearance...how shallow is that?! I am opening the opportunity to meet and get to know someone based on their physical genetically given looks. I spoke to my friend about it and she replied "but its the only way to get to know other people now." No. No. No. I refuse to believe its the only way to get to know other people. I refuse to believe that now we are stuck to our phone,and our thumbs can easily grant us a future with someone who is genuine and kind just based purely on how someone looks.
How much of a hypocrite was I being? I say i hate that people are judged on physicality, I hate it when the first line guys say is You're beautiful. because no, there is much more to me than my physical image. But here I am,talking to men because of their image.
And so i deleted it. I will not use any app to meet anyone based on their appearance. I want real adventure, I want to get to know someone beyond their looks.

I want to keep the person that i built in Buffalo. Where I am not competing with others, being positive, seeing good in every single damn situation. I told that to a group of friends today, and two of them said that was a FAKE resolution. As if no one has those resolutions.. AND THAT IS HOW FUCKED UP NYC IS. NYC created these souls that it is impossible to actually believe that someone truly wants to be altruistic and help others. I will not let me hard work turn me back into a selfish, always wanting to be better than others person.

NYC you cannot and will not take the Buffalo out of me.

PS. I know its not all of NYC, its the people around me. but this has what i encountered ever since I've been back. 
