A break in between

I did a little running away from school stress this week.
This past Tuesday, a couple of friends and I drove to toronto to watch the Knicks vs. Raptors game. and Knicks won! (YAY!) Obviously there werent many Knicks fans, but the toronto fans were still friendly to us.

After the game, it was getting pretty late and most restaurants were closed so we (mainly me) decided to go to McDonalds! I know, out of all the places, McDonalds? But its actually super cool! I am fascinated at how McDonalds portrays their food items to the culture of different countries. At first we couldnt find the nearest McDonalds. We used Yelp AND Google map as a navigator, also asked around to many strangers where the nearest McDonalds was. Oddly, many knew there were ones nearby but wasn't sure of the exact location. I dont think McDonalds is as voraciously enjoyed as in America. But we (again me) were valiant to finding a McDonalds, and we finally did!
The only main difference was they had huge wraps, and Poutine fries.

Then this Friday, Anu and I went to downtown Buffalo to enjoy some "upper-scale" restaurants just to eat outside of Amherst and do a little Buffalo exploring.

We dined in a hotel (I forgot the name of it) and spotted an adorable cafe in the lobby, Public Espresso. How can we deny a cup of coffee? We ordered our coffee and decided to continue on with our continuous talks. Not sure if i mentioned this in the last post, but I wanted to do an experiment of talking to stranger everyday for a week (I failed). BUT on Friday, I actually followed through with the experiment. We saw a man wearing UB apparel waiting in line to get coffee, and I thought This would be a perfect time to conduct my experiment. So i did. Turned out he's a 3rd year med student. How cool was that? Just saying one sentence to a random stranger and I met someone cool.

 Then on Saturday, Anu and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful sunny day and instead of running our routine route by the creek, we ran by Delaware Park.

What a great week!
