Long lost chance?

You guys ever met someone and had an instant connection with them but there was something holding you back? And whatever it was that was holding you back, took over your view so you chose the road without that person.

Well that was me. A couple years back I met this guy (well name him Harry) and we were both in a foreign place surrounded by people we didnt know. Anyways, Harry and I got extremely close, I think it was because partially we felt as if we knew each other the most out of everyone else we knew. We became really good friends; watching friends late at night, learning and laughing at each other, sharing similar future goals. And then the inevitable happened, when two random opposite sex strangers become close in a short matter of time, one becomes attracted to one another.

Harry and I took a weekend getaway, at that time I was thinking "oh this'll be so fun! exploring new places with a travel buddy!." Then that was when Harry started hinting more than friends signals to me. I thought about for a long time during and after our weekend getaway. He was smart, brilliant, tall, kind to me, interesting.. but I just got out of a long time relationship, and just started a whole new independent chapter of my life. It was the first time I was single, and traveling, and then a new school. Harry and I didnt think much of the future, but only focused on the present, how we were feeling at that moment.

So our summer ended. He went back to his prestigious college, and I entered my new public school college. Things started getting a little more pressured. We texted everyday, and updated each other whatever we were doing, if we were eating lunch, when we were going back to our dorms. It was great to always get that constant support and presence of someone else. As always when you enter a new college, youre fresh meat. I was targeted to join sororities, clubs, all these cool activities I was never exposed to.  Harry became my last priority, and that was wrong and selfish of me. So we decided to end "things". I'm not sure what we ever were, but our last conversation was his text of so this it? and I replied I guess so.

Now fast forwarding 3 years later... Harry and I never contacted each other after that text. But there are still times I think of him. I hope hes doing well, better than well. I hope hes happy, I hope he found a good a job. Now that I matured and realize what is important in life, I realized he was a huge motivator in my life. I havent spoken to him in the longest while, I'm not sure if he has any bitter feelings to me.. I do wish one day, I will bump into him and maybe. just maybe if I am lucky enough, we can start all over.
