
Currently right now is is 12:22 PM, 7/21/15. I am sitting in City College's computer lab waiting for the research study which is at 2. Lately I feel as if I fell off the psychology wagon. I'm not sure if its because I've been exposed to a side that I always found "fun" or is it because I was pulled away from school and not surrounded by psychology.

This summer I thought I was going to be challenged and do cool fascinating studies in Psychology. Well Columbia obviously didnt work out, and now City College I feel as if I am the BIG fish in this tiny pond. I know i'm suppose to venture off, ask questions, continue pursing for my "career" but it really is a bit tricky here in NYC especially if you dont attend school here. In Buffalo, I can find opportunities anywhere for my field, researchers are always welcoming to new incoming students, professors love to talk about their specialty and can lecture on and on about it. But here, my PI does not have time at all to offer me challenging tasks, and the project I am doing now isnt as motivating because I dont feel challenged.

During one of our meetings, the grad student asked Are you okay Patty? You look sad. Sad?!?! Whoever thought I could look sad when I'm surrounded by studies of behavior and the mind? Well apparently that happened, because I was not paying attention to the study however I was thinking about Yelp and the events that I have upcoming there...

In the middle of the week, I was discussing to my brother about how I resolved this terrible T-mobile issue we had, and in return T-mobile compensated us a certain amount due to our experience. My brother told me I should go into the marketing field since I'm good at communicating with people and I seem to love what I'm doing at Yelp. Its true, I love Yelp but my brother has never complimented me on my skills with science... Am i blinded by what I what to doing versus what I should be doing?
