Five out of Twelve

We are done with May ya'll! For the first time this year, May was the only month that moved at normal pace for me.
This month was a month of adapting for me. Finals week are over, moving back home to Brooklyn, settling into my two new internships. Lots of old and new mixed in one month!
Here are my 10 worthy mentions of May:

1. Law of Attraction! Last month, I spoke about being kind and hopefully it'll revolve back to you. This month, I had a sneak peak of hard work's results.
2. Always ask. I remember i listened to this podcast about fear, and the speaker encouraged us to put aside our fears and ask whatever you need.
Since finals grades were being distributed, some of my project grades were a lower than what i expected. Usually I would brush it off, and accept whatever grade I was given.
But this semester, I emailed my professors, went to office hours, and debated for the grade I thought I deserve.
I think if i never asked for a better grade on my projects/exams, I would  have resulted in a lower final grade.
3. Moving back sucks. Theres so much unpacking, dazing back to memory lane because i had to throw away A LOT of materials (clothes, cards, toys...) from my pre-college years.
4. New York is too fast-paced for me. Have I converted into a Buffalion? I find myself scared of crossing the street when the lights are blinking, and smiling to random strangers which is not a common manner in NYC
5. Excited for summer outfits!! I am still amused by the warm weather, 2015's brutal winter will never leave me
6. I joined Planet Fitness and accomplished running 4 miles!!
7. Didnt get to take that many photos this month..
8. My dog, Sammy is shaved now... heres a tip: REPEAT MANY TIMES TO YOUR GROOMER ON WHAT YOU WANT.
9. I LOVE working at Yelp! they seriously spoil us with the snacks
10. Finished reading the Kite Runner, Such a great read! I definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a Summer read.

Heres a pic of Sammy before he got his haircut :(
