To letting go

A couple nights ago, two of my girlfriends, Gianne and Nicole suggested to go to Yoga To The People ( I was excited to try it out since i am more use to fast pace gym workouts, i figure a calm sweaty session of Hot Yoga would be good for my mind.
During the 60 minute session of Hot Yoga ( basically they raise the temperature in the room really high) all i could think about was school, work, and my personal life. I couldnt focus on any of the postions or just appreciate the calm environment.
At the end of the session,  everyone's energy felt more calm and relax while i felt angry that i wasted 60 minutes focusing on the negatives in my life instead of enjoying the peaceful environment.
And thats when it hit me. I wasnt just focusing on the negatives during that 60 minutes, i focused on the negatives everyday. I am so obsessed with finding better, expecting a better future that i stopped myself from enjoying the moments i am in.
If i had just let thoughts go during the yoga session, maybe i would have experienced a calm and peace finding.
So here it is. To letting go. To letting go of you. Im not sure if i am able to give up on us completely yet, but i will start. For youve done to me, how you acted after us, how you left us, Im letting it go. Im going to stop focusing on us, and focus on myself. Become a better me.
