Put Value Into Your Work

This post will be a short one, since I need to finish up on my GRE studying.

I started to notice so many people half-assing things or doing things just because they were told to do it. Because someone superior of them asked them to, they must obey. Or because they want to keep increasing their numerical value in their paycheck, to buy material items that they dont need, to impress others look I could afford all of this, now I am a worthy to be a somebody.

And I think that blinds people. They clock in at 9am doing a job they hate but they need the paycheck, then clock out at 5pm. Sun is down, time is taken away from them. They just wasted valuable time that could have been spent chasing their dreams and goals. And I think thats how half-assing starts too. They dont see what they're doing as valuable, as something that has meaning to them. They just do it because it's in the job description. And soon enough, they'll look back and realize all they was just exist but never actually lived.

I don't EVER want to become like that. I started to become more vigilant in my surroundings and seeing how people gave up on their dreams because of money. And it starts young too; I can see it in a few of friends already. Of course, making money is great and satisfying. I love being able to eat and buy whatever I want without hesitation, but it isnt my driving force.
Whatever task I'm doing, whatever assignment/project I'm doing; it's because I asked for it. I want it, to challenge myself, to better myself, to hopefully help me reach my goal. My paycheck is not my motivator; the passion I have for what i do, what i study in, that is what motivates me. And I hope I will never lose sight of that.

So for anyone who is reading this; go and do it. do what makes you happy, if you're doing something that is not making you happy but you have to do it, find reasons to add happiness or value in it. It changes things, the process becomes easier, and hopefully it will motivate you to chase your dreams.
