Don't rush it

Love is in the air! I am delighted to be surrounded by people who have found their soulmate and declare the greatest partnership of all; Husband and Wife. As of right now, I know four acquaintances/friends that are getting married! This is tremendous for the lucky birds, and it gets me a little excited thinking about my future.

There might be a little too much excitement that can turn into pressure to some people though. Two of my bestfriends actually questioned if they were doing the early 20s thing right. One of my bestfriend (we'll leave that name blank for now) feels extremely pressured with time. She asked me if I planned on how/when I will get married. Obviously every girl dreams about that important day, but I have no time period, no plan whatsoever to for that. She expressed her feelings about our age, and how we might be time-limited "Okay so we're in our early 20s now, we have to find someone. date that person for a couple years, then get married. We dont have that much time fishing around."(more said, but it's private!). I was kind of taken back by that. I didnt expect or even know some girls feel pressured and actually put that has a priority. All I know is that I am young, I am living in NYC, I have plenty of time in the future to settle down with someone. Right now, I want to explore and not be held down.

As for exploring, Nicole and I deserve badges for touring NYC (well mainly Lower Manhattan.) Since this summer, most friday nights consist of revelry nights with my partner in crime. It was really fun and thrilling at first, until buzzed Nicole asked "Do you think...we're kind of wasting our time?". Now I know she didnt mean that whole-heartedly, but there was some wondering in her question. Should we be spending all our Friday nights at NYC bars and lounges? Its not like we're being bibulous but isnt there more to Friday nights? Nicole felt as if she shouldnt be repetitively at bars every Friday night. At first, I was taken back (again!). Am I the only one who is complacent with the being a bit wanderlusting and adventurous? But after speaking to her, I see her point. We need spice up our Fridays more. As much as we love our beer and alcohol, bars and lounges can receive less visits from us. So for this past Friday, we went to Park Slope, watched a Shakespeare play (or parts of the play at least), grabbed a burger, toured the thriving neighborhood and went home.

I'm sure there a lot of early twenty year olds like my anonymous bestfriend, who feels pressured to follow the time line of her life. To those of you, don't worry. you'll get there. Life will never be the way you want it to be, and sometimes you get something even better than what you wanted. My anonymous bestfriend might not be where she is in her love life, but currently right now she is teaching English 40,000 miles away from NYC, something she never thought she would do. Or you might be like Nicole, where you just graduated from college, stimulated with adventures but at the same time is worried you're not in the correct path. To those of you, you'll get there. You are doing just fine, take time to visit new places for you can find new parts of yourself you didn't even realize and also take time to revisit old places, because your roots will always be a part of you. Nicole closed a chapter of life, one she did not expect to. And now, this is the most strong and independent I have seen of her yet.

All I can say is, cherish every moment you have. Whether it is "boring" or too stressful, one day we'll be sleeping next to the one, or we'll be sitting at our dream office with the spectacular view. And we'll laugh at the silly decisions we made when we were young and think Man, I wish I was 21 again.

To being young and finding who we are.


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