Week 3

Pat on my back for finishing my 3 rd week of Spring 2015.
This week was such an emotional roller coaster... On Monday, i found out i was accepted to this research position I really really wanted! Super excited for that but extremely nervous balancing school, work, inter, and research.. Its a good thing though! I need to keep myself distracted AND focused. Doing better things for ME. It is only when i am so exhausted that i enjoy time for myself, does anyone else feel like that? Anyways by the end of the week, I saw something that changed, broke me.. yet I needed to see that. I needed to finally see it to focus on MY goals, MY path. I was so tempted to do something impulsive ( like i always do), I knew deep down it wasnt the right decision but i wanted to for all the bad reasons. Fortunately, I followed my head this time. I called a bunch of friends, listened to their advice, went home, cried a bit, continue listening to everyone else and now I feel SO much better. 
When i was younger, (pre-senior years) I always thought trusting my gut will give me the best decisions made, but its not. When you are filled with emotions, WAIT. wait it out. no matter how hard it is, WAIT and think. After a night's sleep, I am so glad i didnt do what i wanted to do. I was always an impatient person, believing if i wanted to do something, it has to be done right away. But sometimes patience is the best choice and silence is your best friend.
